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- President
- Shall be responsible for setting meeting dates.
- Shall chair meetings in an orderly fashion.
- Shall, with the Treasurer and/or Vice-President, be a signing officer of the Association.
- Shall, with the Vice-President and the Coordinator of each league, serve on the coaching selection committee.
- Past President
- Shall provide guidance and continuity to the Executive.
- Shall be allowed to vote only in the case of a tie vote.
- Vice President
- Shall assume presidential duties in the absence of the President.
- Shall, with the President and the Coordinator of each league, serve on the Coaching selection committee.
- Shall, with the President and the Treasurer, be a signing officer of the Association.
- Shall serve as the Chair of the Discipline and Appeals Committee.
- Treasurer
- Shall present an up-to-date financial statement at each meeting.
- Shall supervise all revenues and expenditures.
- Shall, with the President and Vice-President, be a signing officer of the Association.
- Registrar
- Shall be responsible for all registration details and activities.
- Shall be responsible for all correspondence related to registration for the River Pirates zone.
- Shall notify schools, community associations, etc of registration and other activities.
- Manage any electronic information that is made available to the membership as a part of the registration and the evaluation process.
- Secretary/Website Coordinator
- Shall record minutes of all meetings.
- Shall safe keep the constitution, bylaws, regulations, any coaches’ criminal record checks, and coaching evaluations of the Association.
- Shall file the appropriate documentation with legal and regulatory agencies as required.
- Shall manage the website and maintain policies and procedures on website content and the use of website by external parties.
- Shall inform the Executive and general membership of meeting dates as appropriate and make arrangements for the meeting space.
- Equipment Manager
- Shall be responsible for disbursing, collecting and storing all equipment.
- Shall prepare a yearly estimated equipment budget.
- Shall be responsible for all equipment purchases and authorization of purchases under $500 as proposed in annual budget. Those over $500 require Executive approval.
- Clinic Coordinator
- Shall establish a schedule, book the required facilities, set up and coordinate in-door training sessions during the winter season.
- Shall establish a schedule, book the required facilities, set up and coordinate the in-door training sessions held each spring prior to the baseball season
- Recruit the appropriately trained instructors.
- Support for zone coaches
- Apparel and Uniform Coordinator
- Shall ensure inventory of apparel is appropriate for periods of high turnover.
- Shall coordinate the purchase of the appropriate apparel as decided by the Executive.
- Shall coordinate the disbursement and collection of uniforms on an annual basis.
- Shall ensure that enough uniforms are on hand for the start of the year.
- Shall recommend to the Executive any uniform changes in color, logo, etc. and alert the Executive to the need to purchase more uniforms for an upcoming season.
- Coordinators for the different baseball leagues
- Shall serve as a liaison between the leagues and the Executive.
- Shall represent the Association at all respective league meetings.
- Shall be responsible for facilitating the zone approved evaluation process.
- Shall be responsible, along with the Coaching Selection Committee) for coordinating all team representatives and coaches. Coordinators of all leagues cannot normally head coach at the AAA level without approval from the Coaching Selection Committee and the Executive.
- Shall be responsible for collection of any police checks on all coaches and Executives and to update them a minimum of every 3 years.
- Shall be responsible for the coordination and delivery of the coaching evaluations each year. Copies of coaching evaluations are to be kept with the Secretary/Website Coordinator.
- Members at large
- Shall be a maximum of 4 members of large that will have equal voting rights on the Executive.
- Are responsible for assisting the other Executive members in decision making, evaluations, organization and any other capacity such as sub- committees.
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