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Items to bring:
All baseball gear: glove, helmet, bat, indoor runners, batting gloves
Optional: water

Players will be graded on the following criteria. Each player will have a score out of 60 points. Age categories for evaluation rankings will be based on age divisions (11U, 13U, 15U, etc).

1. Throwing / Pitching (15 pts total) – Graded on mechanics, velocity, command.
– Mechanics = 5 points, coaches grade during command throws    (5 = excellent, repeats every throw, balance; 3 = basic understanding, repeats often; 1 = no understanding of setup, mechanics)
– Command = 3 warm up throws that are not graded then players will throw 5 throws off mound at their age distance = score for command based on # of quality throws/strikes. Non pitchers = shuffle throws from 60ft distance.
– Velocity station (5 pts): scaled score based on your age. This is a test for overall arm strength, you can do shuffle throws or mound throws. 5 total attempts, top score is recorded and scaled based on age.
– Radar is not used during command throws.
– Off-speed pitches are not graded, FB only

2. Hitting (15 pts total) – Graded on exit velocity, contact rate, mechanics.
– Warm up tee station and then 3 warm up swings off the pitcher that are not graded. Then each player will get 10 total swings off a live arm. Evaluation is based on swings only (not # of pitches), so players will NOT be deducted points if they take a strike down the middle.
– Mechanics (5 pts): coaches grade. Looking for awareness in the box, proper load, ability to swing through the ball, proper sequencing, balance.
– Exit velocity (5 pts): scaled based on age. We will take your top exit velocity speed from the round of 10 swings.
– Contact Rate (5 pts): how many hard hits out of 10 swings   (ex: 6 hard hits = 3 points). Looking for how many times hard contact is made in the round. 1 hard contact = half of a point overall.

3. Infield (15 pts total) – Graded on plays made, throwing accuracy, technique.
– Each player will get 6 reps total (2 middle, 2 to the left, 2 to the right). Based on left handed or right handed, we do want to see students ability to make a backhand play (ex: right handed throwers balls to the right will be a back hand).
– Plays made (5 pts) = # of plays made out of the 6 attempts
– Throwing accuracy (5 pts) = ability to hit the net at 1B (velocity not graded during infield portion).
– Technique (5 pts) = coaches grade. Looking for proper setup, footwork to the ball, ability to stay low and through the baseball, footwork/momentum towards target.

4. Outfield (10 pts total) – Graded on catches made, ability to track the ball.
– Each player will get 6 attempts off coaches fungo hit.
– 6 pts available = # of catches made out of 6 attempts
– 4 pts available = ability to track ball, drop steps, running in, etc  (0 = not aware, 2 = tracked about half of them well,  2 = tracked all balls well).

5. Running (5 pts total)
– 90ft run, 2 attempts per player- top time only recorded.
Scaled score based on results from players, based on age.

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